Scarf Style/Wrap Style Knit-Along

The inspirations for this knit-along are the Scarf Style and Wrap Style books (from Interweave Press); should you wish to share your creations from the book, this is a wonderful place to do it. Also welcome are helpful tips, corrections, ideas for variations, and suggestions for materials. This knit-along will last indefinitely, so join any time!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Lady Eleanor, at 80%

I've been lurking on this knit-along for months, and finally decided to join. There are several scarfs I'm itching to make from Scarf Style, and seeing what you all have made has been really inspiring. My first project was actually Backyard Leaves, but it's currently on the backburner with 4 repeats completed, and I'll hopefully pick it up in time to finish it for my mother for Christmas this year. Sadly, it was supposed to be for last Christmas, but I bit off more than I could chew...
Just after New Years I started my Lady Eleanor, and I love her! Although I was scared of enterlac, the pattern is really easy and the yarn I'm using is great (despite the bits of 'natural material' I keep finding). Here she is, in repose on the sofa, at the beginning of the 8th ball of Noro Silk Garden. This is colorway 225, and it's very pretty. Hard to get a good photo of the colors, but it's mostly dark with teal and pink, and some browns and purples thrown in. I'm starting to think she might not be long enough, but I might be able to get past that with blocking. I'm planning to use my whole 10 skeins and then buy another, regardless of dyelot, for the fringe.



  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger Marji said…

    Emily, if you knit all 10 sk and then block her she should be plenty long enough. I knit 11 1/2 sk to a length of 80" before fringe, then she grew 10% in blocking to 88". I'm tall, and I never thought I'd say this, but she might be a tad longer than I would choose.


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