Scarf Style/Wrap Style Knit-Along

The inspirations for this knit-along are the Scarf Style and Wrap Style books (from Interweave Press); should you wish to share your creations from the book, this is a wonderful place to do it. Also welcome are helpful tips, corrections, ideas for variations, and suggestions for materials. This knit-along will last indefinitely, so join any time!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ScarfStyle Knit-Out Contest

Hey knitters! Seeing as how we all love knitting projects from Scarf Style, I thought it might be appropriate to let you all know about Interweave's ScarfStyle Knit-Out Contest for original scarf designs.

From the page linked above:

"Enter the Scarf Style contests at the 2005 Knit-Out and Crochet events across the country and you could win some fabulous prizes while benefiting several good causes. Interweave Press is thrilled to be sponsoring contests in Dallas/Fort Worth, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Kentucky, Boston, and Washington, D.C.

The Grand Prize Winner in each city will be featured right here in the Winter 2005 issue of Interweave Knits online, and there are many other great prizes for the runner-up contestants.

The contests are open to all ages, knitters and crocheters of all skill levels. All entries must be an original design to win. Scarves will be accepted at the Knit-Out and Crochet events and winners will be announced toward the end of each event."

Wouldn't it be great to see some of US featured as winners?


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