Scarf Style/Wrap Style Knit-Along

The inspirations for this knit-along are the Scarf Style and Wrap Style books (from Interweave Press); should you wish to share your creations from the book, this is a wonderful place to do it. Also welcome are helpful tips, corrections, ideas for variations, and suggestions for materials. This knit-along will last indefinitely, so join any time!

Monday, February 12, 2007

502 Errors

You may have noticed that Blogger/Google returns 502 error pages when you try posting. (According to the status page, this should be fixed, but it's not.) I know that you've probably noticed because people are posting the same post two or three or more times. If you encounter such an error, do NOT repost. Wait a few minutes and refresh the knit-along blog to see if your post is there. Likely, it will be.

I appreciate your assistance! It will save me time deleting duplicate posts (and possibly needing to delete comments in doing so). I get a 502 error every time I try deleting one, so it's not a quick process.



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