Scarf Style/Wrap Style Knit-Along

The inspirations for this knit-along are the Scarf Style and Wrap Style books (from Interweave Press); should you wish to share your creations from the book, this is a wonderful place to do it. Also welcome are helpful tips, corrections, ideas for variations, and suggestions for materials. This knit-along will last indefinitely, so join any time!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Reminder: the purpose of this knit-along

This knit along is for scarves knit from the book (or inspired by the book) Scarf Style. Talk about other scarves is okay if you're also posting about your Scarf Style scarf/scarves. There are other knit-alongs for other scarves (i.e., Clapotis). This isn't to be mean or overly restrictive, but more so that when people read this blog, they know what we're talking about. If we start discussing all sorts of other patterns not in the book, it will create confusion.



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